Encrypted IQ curve: Who is the real leek among the mentally retarded, the mediocre and the genius?

Reprinted from chaincatcher
01/08/2025·1MSource: Andrey Didovskiy
Compiled by: Golem, Odaily Planet Daily
Intelligence is a broad, relative, and highly subjective variable that humans have yet to fully quantify. Generally speaking, we classify an organism as intelligent if it is "alive" and "autonomous." And this abstract ambiguity is particularly evident in the encryption field.
From degens writing papers on Fartcoin’s potential value, to governments exploring strategic Bitcoin reserves, to academics developing complex useless technologies, the cryptocurrency industry is a giant Pandora’s box of paradoxes.
In this crazy world, there are few winners and many losers. The only simple criterion for determining the difference between the two is a single, simple metric of intelligence measured by portfolio performance.
If you want to win in the crypto game, you have to stay away from mediocrity. Either you are a Sith Lord with an IQ of 200 (the leader of the dark force users in the "Star Wars" movie series), or you are an absolute degenerate ape with an IQ of 20 (a complete brainless opportunist), if you are somewhere in between. In the meantime, it's all over.
In the crypto world, the greatest insult a person can receive is to be called "of average intelligence" (not to mention the emotional and financial pain this causes).
What is the Crypto IQ Curve?
Based on the principle of the “bell curve,” the crypto IQ curve is a meme used to describe the distribution of intelligence among market participants.
Crypto IQ Curve
A very small number of people are at both ends of the curve (winners);
A very small number of people are at both ends of the curve (winners).
This is the essence of vicious competition and zero-sum game in financial games.
On the left side of the curve are those IQ 20 “degenerates” (brainless speculators in the crypto industry) with single-cell brains and little to no self-awareness; on the right side of the curve are those with almost supernatural mathematical and social The IQ 200 of psychological understanding is the "super brain" of IQ; and standing in the middle are ordinary people who work hard and are emotionally dependent.
Further analysis of these groups:
Left curve: IQ 20 -70
Think like a single-celled organism
This group of bold individuals are not afraid to take risks; they are at the forefront of crypto, constantly trying, failing, and learning, but always motivated. These creatures are often highly paranoid and sometimes autistic people, but they are good at creating memes and "CX support" each other.
While their fervent dedication makes it difficult to draw the line between "degeneracy" and gambling, that same energy also helps them become an elite group of diamond hands and first adopters of new things. People on the left side of the curve are generally unemotional and have a natural tendency to understand human psychology through intuition.
Involved asset types: Mainly Meme coins, but also open to accept all categories
Investment Philosophy: Less is More, Catcoin Gudcoin, HODL, WAGMI (We Will Succeed)
Payoff difference: -99% ← → + 10,000% (either zero or free)
Will it ultimately make a profit? :sometimes
Middle Curve: IQ 70-120
Groups that are regarded as liquid withdrawals
People in the middle curve rely heavily on technical analysis/charting tools, are meticulous thinkers, but are often steeped in false narratives and do not engage in risky experiments. They don't dare to be the first, but they always think that they will not be the last. This group of emotionally sensitive top buyers and bottom sellers go by many other names in the crypto market: takers, retail traders, paper traders, basket token holders, and more.
Their presence is vital to the industry – without them, there would be no profits.
Types of assets involved: Mainly scams and slow-growing assets
Examples: EOS, BTC, HEX
Investment philosophy: buy high, sell low, panic, accusations of market manipulation
Income difference: -99% ← → + 100% (either return to zero or make a small profit)
Will it ultimately make a profit? : Hardly
Curve on the right: IQ 120 or above
Alpha people
These people are cutting-edge thinkers, even narrative creators, who anticipate and control trends.
Joining this group requires expertise in cryptography, economics, finance, sociology, psychology, computer science, statistics, and other knowledge-intensive disciplines. People on the right side of the curve are very aware of their emotional states, obsessed with human psychology, and very patient. These people will not give in in the face of social pressure, are not afraid of losing money or admitting mistakes, this group of open-minded people are very flexible.
Asset types involved: Mainly Meme coins, but open to all categories
Examples: SOL, GOAT, PEPE, OM
Investment philosophy: HODL, BUIDL, DCA, no leverage
Yield difference: -99% ← → + 10, 000% (either zero or free)
Will it ultimately make a profit? :always
Intelligence levels of people in different countries
You can use the following data to understand the average intelligence level of different countries in the real world:
(Datasets vary based on their sources, so the data below contains the most consistent/persistent information across multiple sources that search engines can find)
The average IQ worldwide is about 94 (range 70-110)
The average IQ in the United States is about 97 (varies 95-103 between states)
China’s average IQ is about 104 (Hong Kong’s is 106)
Russia's average IQ is about 96 (ranking among the top four countries with annual incomes under $10,000)
The average IQ in India is about 77 (probably influenced by culture and large population)
(Please treat these numbers with caution; to be sure, there is some bias in the census methods used to collect and aggregate this information. If you are triggered by these numbers, congratulations, you are probably somewhere in the middle of the curve. , don’t be offended, but be aware of it).
What kind of person do you want to be?
Choose extreme left or extreme right? (Political pun unintentional) You can choose your preference. However, because of human arrogant nature, many people will think that they are on the far right, and some people will not care about this (investors on the left), but the fact is that the vast majority of people will end up in the middle.
" He who chases two rabbits may not catch either." No matter which side you choose, remember that mediocrity is the only wrong answer.
Understand where you really are?
While asset type judgment alone is a strong indicator, accurately quantifying a person's position on the crypto IQ curve requires considering multiple factors, including their emotional and psychological state during the decision-making process, logical reasoning (or lack thereof) logical reasoning), the ability to process social feedback, and the final outcome of decisions. It comes down to staying objective, being honest with yourself, understanding your risk appetite and taking action.
Get out of your comfort zone, that’s where the seeds grow. May peace, love and absolute abundance come to everyone (no matter where you are currently on the curve).