In the past 7 days, NFT transactions have decreased by 29.45%month -on -month to US $ 137.9 million. The number of buyers and sellers has increased by more than 30%month -on -month

Reprinted from panewslab
02/02/2025·1MPanews News on February 2nd, according to, Cryptoslam data shows that the NFT transaction volume fell this week from US $ 198.1 million to US $ 137.9 million, a decrease of 29.45%month -on -month. The number of NFT buyers increased by 31.92%to 589,960; the number of NFT sellers increased by 33.23%to 425,135; the number of transactions fell 4.35%to 1,412,615.
The Ethereum network NFT transaction value fell 40.35% to $ 67.9 million, but the number of buyers increased by 20.59% to 58,632; the Bitcoin network NFT transaction value fell 32.45% to $ 17.4 million; Mythos Chain jumped to $ 13.6 million to a transaction value rose to reached to reached to reached to reaching to reached to reached to reaching to reached to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to reaching to to reaching to to reaching to reaching to to to to $ 13.6 million. The third place rose 4.13%; Solana network fell to fourth place, with the transaction value of US $ 12.4 million, a decrease of 39.21%.
Pudgy Penguins led a turnover of $ 13.9 million, an increase of 38.49%. DMARKET ranked second with $ 8.5 million, an increase of 7.30%, and the transaction volume remained high, reaching 307,776. Azuki fell to third with sales of $ 7.3 million, down 74.73%.
The best -selling products this week include:
- Cryptopunchs #5473: 547,670 US dollars (162 ETH)
- Cryptopunchs #1925: 412,926 US dollars (125 ETH)
- Cryptopunks #7162: 373,166 USD (112 ETH)
- Autoglyphs #185: 348,295 US dollars (102.5 ETH)
- Autoglyphs #328: 332,290 US dollars (105 WETH)