Alpha Square
Discovery Alpha And Push For You
Alpha Square is based on the capture and analysis of sentiment indicators, smart money signals, on-chain data and K-line technical indicators, and the formation of multi-preference strategy latent trends through the use of pre-set parameters of strategy dimensions; thus helping users to capture the market in the first time and make more informed decisions when investing and trading. At the same time, users can customize their strategies through TrendX and publish them to Alpha Square for profit.
Alpha Signal Characteristics
Single Factor Indicator Strategy
Multi-factor Composite Strategy
Continuous 24-hour automatic push
Automatic backtest win rate and yield rate
Alpha Signal Composition
Social sentiment index
real-time analysis of tens of thousands of projects and KOL social dynamics, forming multiple factor indicators such as emotional changes, monitoring index push signals, and heat changes.
Smart money index
real-time tracking of tens of thousands of smart money dynamics, forming super smart money, multi-smart money buying and selling, net buying scale and other factor indicators, monitoring index push signals.
On-chain transaction index
real-time tracking of the holding address, transaction address, transaction scale, liquidity pool scale, price rise and fall, and other indicators of the token, monitoring index push signals.
K-line technical index
analysis of the token technical index, including Bollinger Bands, RSI, DMI, MACD, KDJ and other multi-factor indicators, monitoring index push signals.
What is Alpha Square?
Alpha Square is a cryptocurrency investment signal tool based on a multi-factor strategy, dedicated to providing users with a simple, intuitive, and efficient investment decision-making tool, helping users easily discover potential investment opportunities. By combining AI Sentiment indicators, Super Smart Money indicators, On-Chain Data indicators, and Candlestick Chart indicators in four dimensions, hundreds of factors related to price trends are generated and combined into multiple preferred Alpha strategies. Once triggered, Alpha Square will push investment signals to users in real-time, allowing users to access valuable investment signals anytime, anywhere.
What are the components of Alpha Square indicators?
How to subscribe to Alpha Square?
How to get Alpha Square subscription trial coupons?
How to customize the indicators of Alpha Square strategies?